Friday, July 2, 2010

Blogger has Analytics built in now!

I was checking out my dashboard today when I saw a link that said "stats," so obviously, I clicked on it. And guess what? It's a mini version of Google Analytics, without the cash-geared "goals" or some of the beta- or more complicated features, but all the basic things (such as traffic source, OS/browser info, country-stalking) are all there. So no more having to keep in mind not to delete that tracker in my templates whenever I switch to a new one! Now it's all there.

Anyway, I filled out an application to volunteer at the public library a while back, and a few days later one of the children's librarians, Cindy, called me back. She asked if I could help out in this Reading to Rover program they had on Wednesday, and I agreed.

Reading to Rover is this really cool program where little kids (around four to seven years old) come and read to mid- to large-sized dogs for ten minutes. It's to help them appreciate and hopefully even love reading, and also to practice reading in front of others, as the dogs won't judge like people might. I got to meet some really, really cool dogs and lots of kids who were amazing readers. I've been asked to go back next week as well, and I can't wait. Dogs and kids together are absolutely adorable.

Grades are also out, as I discovered yesterday when my dad called me in the middle of the day and informed me. I'm absolutely happy with my grades (did better in US and English than I thought I would, judging from the awfulness I had third and fourth quarter), and I guess that's one less thing to worry about when college applications come along. Which reminds me, I've checked out the common app site, and it's quite a bit of work, I guess. So I'll have to find some time to fill those out, but not until later in August, because that's when the online version come out.

I have also started reading The God of Small Things, our AP Lit reading requirement, and so far it's really confusing. I can't quite understand if Rahel and Estha are somehow connected, and I'm not sure if there are supernatural elements to the story, or if it's like The Things They Carried in that it doesn't have to be real as long as it conveys the idea. Also, I'm not sure if I'm getting how my idea on narrative is being challenged. But I still have the rest of the book to read. I hope I'll understand, at least somewhat, by then.

Also, it is Julie's birthday today. Happy birthday, Julie!

P.S.: I am thinking of updating once a week over the summer so as not to get distracted by blog updates instead of reading my biology book (which reminds me, why do I still have a chem textbook as well?), so apologies ahead of time if I seem rather, well, laconic. Summer usually isn't as interesting to talk about anyway as it is to experience.

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