Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Je ne sais rien dont j'ai besoin!

Translation (in my own, twisted, probably incorrect way): I don't know anything that I need!

Sums up my should-be-panic right now over my French midterms. "Dont" is one of the few pieces of grammar that I actually know, and I have no idea if I've used it correctly or not. In fact, I've been so caught up in my notecards for the past few days that I've only skimmed over some physics problems, and from that "light" (more like nonexistent) skimming, I've come to realize that I know pitifully few formulas.

I'll have to rely upon my close proximity to the kinematics equations on the wall to save the day, I suppose.

So at lunch, today, I decided to go up to the MLC and actually get something done. (Probably all the work I should be doing right now but I'm not. Oh well.) Argon came with me, since the MLC is apparently his favorite place to "hang out" during his free. (The English/SS one comes right after in the rankings, as I've heard.) We walked down the hallway and turned to go through the door when...

I see Mario. Again.

A clarification here may help. I've been, for the past few months, seeing Mario around almost EVERYWHERE. I go to math class, there he is, taking something out of his locker (which is completely unnecessary, in my opinion, since he doesn't carry around anything anyway). I go down to the library for English, and there he is, slouched in a chair or something. I go to chem, and there he is, walking in the opposite direction as I am.

I leave during French class for the last fifteen minutes to print out a lab in the library (note: at a very different time from the aforementioned English class), and there he is, walking ahead of me to go to... the library.

And I don't even share a single class with him.

That is mildly creepy.

So yesterday, as I saw him again while waiting to go to my stat class, I couldn't resist. I had to ask him.

"What class do you have right now?"

"Statistics," he said. Which totally can't be true, since it was period 7, and that's when I have stat. I think I'd know if he was in my class.

But in my awesomeness of reaction, all I said was, "What?"

"Oh, wait, you mean what I have?"

"Yeah," I said. "It's just I've been seeing you everywhere--" my hand motioning to a general area around me "--and it's kind of creeping me out."

"Well, I have a lot of classes on the third floor, so that's probably why. Like I'm coming from ASR right now."

Okay. Let's rephrase that then for further data gathering.

"But I've also seen you in the library, and in the hallways, and everywhere--"

"Yeah," Mario said. "I'm everywhere. You're not going crazy or anything. I am everywhere."

Omnipresent Mario? I'm not sure if that was meant to be reassuring or not. I'm not quite sure how I reacted to that either. (That attitude also remotely reminds me of Tea's post yesterday.)

Well, anyway, as I saw him again today, in the MLC, I was seriously puzzled. But that confusion was short-lived, as I saw the January stats for math team posted on the bulletin board, with the traditional pink highlighter-ness. I love pink highlighters. Have I mentioned that before?

I adore pink highlighters. They come right after blue and green highlighters, and right before orange highlighters.

But yeah. Anyway.

"Isn't it frustrating," Mario spoke to Argon and me as we ogled at the stats. "That Treeburg beats us as a team, and each of their team members beats us as well?"

Huh. I hadn't noticed that. If you put it that way, I suppose it could get a little frustrating.

I wouldn't know. I don't really care about rankings as much as I should, I suppose. The only reason I was even looking at them (besides the pink highlighter-ness) was because my parents always ask me, "How's your school doing?" and I almost never know the answer to that question.

But, as it worked out, looking at the stats was pointless anyway, because later on in math team, Mr. Booth pulled up the stats on the Smartboard and showed it to us anyway.

Of course, with his usual pep talk of, "You can get first place this year, but only if you really want it. We can steal first place from Treeburg this year. I believe we have a shot. Remember last year, when, this one time, we were more than ten points ahead of Treeburg?"

"When was that?" I whispered to Tea.

"It didn't happen," Tea said.

Oh well. I'm happy with our team just getting at least third place (considering we're second now, it shouldn't be too bad), so we can go on more math "field trips" to meets. Just like sports teams. Except we compete with... pencils instead of balls?

So I went over to the window ledge to get myself a new set of problems, making sure on my way back to take advantage of a seated Dino (whose head was now within my reach) and ruffle his hair.

9 rants:

Tea said...

I will say that Mario spends an inordinate amount of time in the math-science learning center. His locker is on the third floor, he has two frees, and two classes there. However, it's still weird that you see him everywhere. When this happened with Scarlett (who he was following (but we have all of our classes in the same wings! is not a legitimate excuse)), she got majorly creeped out but did nothing. Are you perhaps walking the same routes for every switch. Consider going a more indirect way to see if you notice him. If he's following you, he will have marked down in his head all of you paths and how long it takes you to walk, and he'll then wait at key intersections waiting for you to walk by.

Dino will swear up and down that Mario's still into Scarlett, so this entire scenario seems unlikely to be forced on his part, but I suppose you never know.

all of the above stalking techniques have been told to me by mario.

oh, also, if Mario is following you, he has your schedule memorized, so it could be that when you asked what class, he said stat, because that's what you have.


Ginny said...

His techniques of stalking are very, very creepily thought out. But it's kind of hard to go in a different way because all of my classes are at opposite ends of the hallway, and it takes forever to get from one to the other (except calc and stat).

I think Mario knows I take stat period 7 because Melissa's in my class, and she's mentioned that fact a lot of times.

But I wouldn't trust Dino on any human emotion-related things either.

OMG. WHAT IF THERE WERE CLONED MARIOS?? Like, each Mario only goes to one class during the day, so that's why he never carries around a backpack? This could totally be true. I'll have to investigate further.

Tea said...

what if he's stalking melissa and you just coincidentally show up in the same places?

Also, can we please start following him around stealthily to a) see if this happens and b) see if he notices? because I agree, mario clones are a very real possibility. However- how are they handing off the satchel? (which is black, contains a laptop, and is really more of a laptop case than a satchel)

Ginny said...

That would mean we have to start figuring out what his and Melissa's schedules are. And plot out what paths Mario might take so we can be more effective with our "following."

This doesn't sound suspicious at all.

Gretchen said...

oh my god. HAHAHA.

i think that you, ginny, are the only person who can ruffle dino's hair. just saying.

mario has stat period 8. i saw him in the MLC once...haha. haven't we all?

Ginny said...

I've actually only seen him there today for the first time ever. Probably because I don't go there often enough, and when I do, it's usually because I need a textbook to finish my homework or because I see other POIs there.

Dino's hair is very fluffy. I would recommend you try it, but he might get upset. And he's kind of tall, so he can lean out of your reach unless you sneak up from behind. Which is also hard because his backpack is in the way.

Julie said...

Oh, he could definitely be stalking Melissa. She told me last month or so that he texted her "I miss your warmth." And if we follow Mario, we're only as bad as he is.

the satchel IS a laptop case. I doubt there's anything else in it.

I think Mario definitely has clones, which is kind of disturbing but very possible. It can also explain why he's so bored all of the time. Each clone only has one class of work to do. Now... what does his brother think of this? Or does his brother have clones too? Is the entire Mario family cloned?

Tea said...

I think I could reach Dino's hair even while he's standing.

Julie said...

I think it's now a general consensus that Tea has really long arms, so yes.

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