Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sleep Deprived

I am surprised this is not a previous-blog-post-title.

To be fair I have stayed up later than this for more consecutive nights, most of them involving Yuma coincidentally also staying up very, very late and even more coincidentally we would be talking with each other. Those were the days I fell asleep in my afternoon classes (hello, econ) and generally felt like my head was exploding.

Well, hello, college.

In what could possibly be either a really good decision or a really stupid decision (or both, they're not mutually exclusive), I joined Fish Wings' computer club. I have not had a good track record with computer clubs, and I definitely have not had any track records with a computer club that requires weekly office hour commitments. So this could turn out to be a major time-sink (three hours a week is a lot of time, and although I could always program or whatever during that time, the nerdy people + constant availability of various games I refuse to download onto my lappy because it will suck all remaining spare time from me = not a lot of work done).

My weekends are also paaaacked. And not even with partying like Jessica is doing every Friday (along with the rest of her very, very busy schedule). I'm doing things like learning self-defense and planting trees.

And debugging Eclipse. Because this thing will always find some way to tell me, "Hey, I know you've been using me the same way 100 times now and I haven't given you any trouble, but guess what?"

Ubuntu does that to me sometimes too with the header style.

Maybe all this technology is realizing that I am an aspiring electrical engineer and has decided to repeat my FSAE subteam leader's favorite phrase, "Electronics always fail."

At least blogger is semi-functional and only does weird cursor jumps.

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