Saturday, April 24, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Well, my parents don't believe in spring cleaning, so I didn't have to physically clean out anything (we did wash the car today though). However, I decided to clean out my inbox, because lately Daily Writing Tips, College Board,, Braingle, and Assorted Other Colleges have decided to spam me (more like, I signed up for their newsletters and whatnot and didn't realize the consequences of my actions). Since I had well over a thousand unread messages, and plenty more that I had already read, I created a few more labels and started sorting and archiving my mail.

With a good two or three hours spent, I've finally organized everything. Right now, my inbox status stands as follows (for anyone who's not interested, I don't have much else to say today, so you can basically skip this post):

(Also note, I have my email set in French, but I got lazy translation-wise and so all labels are in English.)

Boîte de réception: 9
Consists of odd items such as the email from Paperclip's resident dietician asking me to send her the completed version of my research paper, SHP applications that I have long abandoned (because my dad thinks it's not worthwhile, whatever that means), an email from Zephy saying I owe her $1.25 for the town bus fare, and several emails from QuestBridge, but I'm not sure what they are or what they want me to do (something I shall have to check out later).

Braingle: 390
My "Quiz of the Day" and "Teaser of the Day" supplier. I have 147 of those that I haven't read, which is strange, because they come in pairs and I read them in pairs, but perhaps I skipped a quiz one day because half of them are movie quizzes and I have a very limited movie knowledge database. 61
Registered an account there about the same time I registered an account for College Confidential, which reminds me, I haven't visited either lately. But CC is very depressing (especially all those amazing Ivy-wannabes who keep asking, "Am I going to get in???"—I would be surprised if you didn't get in), and I don't quite remember why I checked out Cappex in the first place.

CBoard: 251
"College Board" was too long to fit in one line without those annoying ellipsis (which, according to TheSage, can also be spelled "eclipsis"), so I dubbed it "CBoard" instead. Anyway, since I have around 195 of them I haven't read yet, that basically means I haven't been doing any of those "The Official SAT Question of the Day" for more than half a year now.

Clubs/Competitions/Confirmation: 139
Three separate labels, but each not significant enough to have its own block of text. This is where all those bike/chess club notices (including Livny's chess mafia email), Moody's half-completed papers, and subscription/sign-up confirmation emails reside.

College Promo: 649
The main reason why I was cleaning out my email in the first place (because everything else I can just filter out by sender and automatically apply labels). Twenty three of them come from University of New Haven, which I am definitely not applying to because it would be a waste of effort for both of us. The rest come from an assortment of colleges, including nine from WPI, several from this Monica person from Hamilton College, and plenty more that I have definitely seen duplicates of. Also, the more I ignore them, the more they send me emails (as evidenced by the few colleges I responded to have not sent me any emails ever since).

DWT: 214
Daily Writing Tips is amazing in many ways. I subscribed to their "newsletter" to learn new grammar rules and such, but they have so much more than that. For example, Friday's email included twenty book titles that were inspired by Shakespeare's plays (including the lines they came from) and the second installment of their poetry contest.

Facebook: 667
If any label could beat "College Promo" by now, it would be Facebook. I just remembered (right now) that I had set all Facebook messages to auto-archive, which is why I haven't seen anything whenever people write on my wall or send me messages as of late.

Fiction: 12
My and account emails. I haven't posted anything on there, so this label has been much neglected.

Friends: 110
As the label says, all those emails from my friends that don't belong anywhere else. Half of them are 100+ replies between Stella and me. Half of those emails consist of links that Stella was trying to make me visit (mostly audio/video files) and me responding that I don't have any headphones on hand.

Misc: 20
All the weird stuff that I was too lazy to make an individual label for. Most of Google's emails/alerts/reminders somehow mysteriously (or not) ended up here. I've also got a few emails from Photobucket (which is a word, but spellcheck is not).

School: 68
All those SnapGrades messages in Turkish that Mr. Coffee sent everyone in his classes are here. Last-minute emails I sent myself with homework attachments are also here, and I've got an email or two from Mrs. Tallchief regarding my research paper. Oh, the nightmares. At least that's over now.

Word of the Day: 273
I thought I would expand my vocab by reading and memorizing one word each day. Seeing as I have 170 of those I haven't opened yet, you can see how well that plan went. I do remember learning "misanthrope" from an old WofD email, and emollient (which reminded me of Molly Weasley), and aquiline (a word that later showed up as a vocab word in my sophomore English class).

I feel so accomplished. Well, I also did a practice test for calc, and got a 70% on the multiple choice and 90% on free-response (I can't believe I got the Taylor series one), so I'm hoping for a five on the test. (It's also sad that I can get most of the AB questions right but BC is just that much harder, mostly because there's much less time.)

2 rants:

Gretchen said...

i feel like everyday is spring cleaning for my mom. "gretchen, wipe your desk. and the windowsills, and the counter. etc."

my inbox is pretty clean. well, i'm almost on my email a lot so whenever i get a message, i either
a) delete it (NYtimes updates)
b) read it (random chats people, mostly bruney and tea send me. sorry tea, i just don't know how to respond to "howdy")
c) reply (grandpa, legit emails)

my labels consist of EMS and JSA. now that i think about it, my inbox could rival my closet...

Tea said...

it's okay, Gretchen, the only reason you get those is that I want to talk to you, but then you turn out to be actually offline (and not invisible), so the conversation kind of dies. Same goes for Ginny, although she is more frequently online at the same times I am.

My inbox is packed, as I only ever delete junk mail.

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