Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What If?

"I don't read people's messages," Mrs. MacDonald said. "I don't want to read anything that I have to act on."

"Like what?" Trevor asked. "Tell us something you've read."

"Like abuse," Mrs. MacDonald said. "But I haven't read anything yet. I don't go checking other people's phones."

"What if--What if the phone was just sitting there? And there's a message from someone that says 'DEALER' on it?"

"Right. And a real dealer would choose to do that because?"

"You never know," Trevor said. "It could happen."

"And why don't you categorize all of your 'dealer' contacts then? Put them under subheadings: drug dealer--"

"Or, what if," Kyle interrupted. "You saw a text message that said, 'Hey, let's meet up somewhere and dump the body into the ravine?' I bet Micky would do that."

"Yeah," Micky said. "I would."

"What's the probability that Micky will kill someone today?"

"Or better yet," Mrs. MacDonald said. "What's the probability that Micky will kill at least one person today?"

"I don't know," Micky said. "But I think I'm definitely going to kill someone today. Got to keep up my reputation, you know?"

Oh, how lovely stat class is.

I obviously spent most of that class doodling in my notebook, as Trevor and Kyle tag-teamed to ask lots and lots of questions about the upcoming midterms so we wouldn't have to learn anything new. I know it's the day before midterms, but I haven't started studying at all.

Well, okay. That was an exaggeration.

I studied equations for chem, because... we were tested on that today.

I studied... well, more like copied the super long weird planetary circular orbital motion equation for physics, which is my second exam tomorrow (I have gym first, which promises to be an hour long of losing in the pickleball tournament), and so far I still haven't figured out what it is yet. I tried asking Bryant, but he stored it in his fancy TI-89 and it was all weird, so I was left even more confused. His equation just helped me figure out that the one I copied from Tamir was totally wrong.

I tried to describe my source of stress in French, but all I came up with was, "Je suis fatiguée parce que j'ai des éxamens. Pour éliminer le stress, je fais le yoga." (Translation: I am tired because I have exams. To eliminate stress, I do yoga.)

I don't, but yoga's a vocab word. And apparently "ranting in super long posts on meebo" is not.

In fact, I should be studying right now. I should. But the whole exam schedule, with two days of exams and then three days off, is throwing me off quite a bit. I just can't seem to envision that midterms are starting, like, tomorrow.

That means my gym midterms (okay, this makes it sound rather undramatic) start in less than 12 hours from now.

Oh my god.

That means I get all this extra time to do those around-the-school errands I've been putting off every day.


I think I'm in a state of denial right now. My brain isn't registering the eminent doom of, say, all of those huge tests that I had just vaguely thought about for the past few days. This is so unreal. This is so... I don't even know how to describe it anymore.

Maybe I should do those math packets on circles to clear my mind.

3 rants:

Tea said...

I haven't started them yet. I'm planning on this weekend, once my science and math tests are out of the way.

And was somebody questioning her because of gov? Or did Mrs. Hirten get the idea for the case because of something she said? Because we just did a supreme court case scenario in gov about whether a text message read by a teacher who finds a student's phone lying around is admissible evidence in court.

Ginny said...

All of my math tests are next week, and all of my science ones are this week. It's rather nicely organized. I know I should be studying for physics, but I can't imagine how. Maybe I should do some of the problems.

We were talking about stat questions, and this guy had his phone in his pocket, and it was about to be confiscated so he turned it off. And then Trevor said that he had a teacher once who read the messages on his phone, so that's how the whole discussion started.

I feel like the evidence thing might turn out like the Miranda case.

Gretchen said...

i like how doing math problems helps you focus :)

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