Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ginny's Favorite Things

Anticipating that I would not have much time to spend on my blog today (sorry, Tea, but I couldn't talk because I was SAT-prepping as per the agreement with my parents so I could go to NEML), I decided to do a post without a plot. So, here it is, my list of some of my favorite things in this world (people are not included in this list):
  1. Autumn's sky.
  2. Sunlight.
  3. Rainy days that are not in April.
  4. Electricity (and electronics).
  5. Windy afternoons by the lake.
  6. Hot chocolate with coffee and oatmeal.
  7. Books.
  8. A personalized playlist.
  9. Sketchbook and pencil.
  10. Crunchy leaves.
  11. Hedley's Perfect.
  12. Internet connection.
  13. Purple bunnies.
  14. Pink lemonade.
  15. Eyes.
  16. Poems and lyrics.
  17. Midnight moons.
  18. Breathing in ocean air.
  19. Sunsets.
  20. Chocolate cheesecake.
  21. Tea and sugar at four in the afternoon.
  22. Math problems.
  23. Halloween costumes.
  24. National Geographic.
  25. Dramas that don't only focus on romance.
  26. Rope and plank swings.
  27. Key lime pie.
  28. Saturday morning television.
  29. Freshly cut grass.
  30. Birds with broad wings.
  31. Arctic circle.
  32. Aurora Borealis (and the Boreal forests).
  33. Hopscotch with chalk on pavement.
  34. Pagodas.
  35. Filling out empty forms.
  36. Nachos and cheese.
  37. XKCD.
  38. Realizing just helped you in English.
  39. Red ribbons.
  40. Google Docs and just about everything else I love that I haven't mentioned yet.

4 rants:

Tea said...

I love you.

Gretchen said...

i've never had nachos and cheese before (or macaroni)

Tea said...

I'm fairly certain that they're only called nachos if there is cheese involved

Ginny said...

Hmm... I've never wondered that. What do they call salsa ones then? And nachos are very, very good. Along with most things with cheese.

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