Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm Going To Wake Up At 5:00AM


As if.

I have been telling myself those words for the past few nights, but doing so after staying up late reading Takaki (or Gatsby, for that matter) has proven to be ineffective.

Also, my French teacher today lamented the awful, dreadful, absolutely "wrong, wrong, wrong" act of ending a sentence with—gasp—a dangling preposition!

Never mind that according to Grammar Girl, it's the number one grammar myth. (The actual explanation is much more complicated than a simple, end-every-sentence-with-a-preposition-if-you-so-desire statement, but that's what external links are for. And the last preposition was used correctly.)

Other grammar myths include the much-feared "never split an infinitive" (also something my French teacher obsesses over) and "it's incorrect to answer 'How are you?' with 'I'm good.'" So really, the next time some grammar-amateur-freak tries to correct you by saying, "It's 'I'm well,' not 'I'm good.,'" rest assured that you are actually correct.

Of course, the fact that I am reading Grammar Girl instead of doing homework is probably not a good thing. I might have been able to get away with it if I were not doing my English homework, but we had an in-class essay today (with frozen-thawed muffins and coffee cake), so we did not have any homework. Such a pity.

In other news ("Extra—! Extra—! Hear all about it—!"), I was going to blog about math team yesterday, but I got sidetracked by my trip plannings, so I didn't have time to finish my post. Instead, I will take the lazy way out and simply highlight several important things that happened to me in the past few hours:

  • Math team: as Gretchie already had already mentioned, so I will link you to her post instead (later).
  • Calc test: half-horrible, half-not that bad. I got the same answer as Bryant for one question, but as the next bullet point shows, this may not be so reassuring after all. (In realms of math, however, I will trust Bryant over Dino.)
  • Chem test: nightmare. I half-guessed on half the questions, and for the last question, Bryant got a different answer from Nyx and me, who got a different answer from Camel, who got a different answer from Boris, who got a different answer from... well, you get the drift.
  • Tests in general: why have all the tests been squished into this week? I had a physics test today as well, which wasn't bad at all, but I compared answers with Michael, who refutes what I've written, so there is a potential (no pun intended) problem for at least one of us. This seems to happen a lot lately.
  • National Honor Society: completely distracting. I listened to our principal talk for a while, thinking about how I would not fit in to the criteria for membership selection. The other half I spent staring at Dino's hair squinting at the board. (Also, Dino might have caught me staring at him several times, which might be either good or bad.)
  • US: we (well, mostly our US teacher whom I have to find the nickname for) panicked when we realized that the REVISED edition of Takaki is drastically different from the original. Lots of "sexy" titles gone, and an entire introduction changed. Better than any revision I've ever done.
  • xkcd: is every addicting, as I've found out lately. I'm on #600+ now, and I started with 100+ two days ago. Not good. Not good at all.
And of course, I am very, very sleepy and this is very, very late right now, I will go to bed and try (really, really hard) to wake up at 5:00AM tomorrow morning.

Man Girl: 0
Nature Sleep: 1+2+3+...+n+...

13 rants:

Gretchen said...

if dino sees you staring at him, just stare back. eventually, he'll look away. sometimes in spanish i'll turn around to wave at tea and he'll just have that blank stare on his face. so just stare him down.

i hope your tests went well!!!!

Ginny said...

I sometimes do that, but I get really lost in his eyes, and then it gets kinda awkward.

Nyx later said that it is very likely that we got the right answer and that Bryant didn't, but the probability of that happening is so low I wouldn't bet anything on it.

Gretchen said...

haha, well bryant does make mistakes sometime, so you never know!

i really think i did horribly on the calc test. normally when i see mrs.james she's all happy and excited but when i saw her and said hi she was like "...hi gretchen". and i felt so scared.

hmm, do you stare at one eye or shift back and forth? cause then it looks strange if you do that. so pick one eye or look in the middle- at his nose.

Tea said...

those little pictures of you two are adorable.

Also, the tests are squeezed in because there are so many religious holidays next week that the only allowed testing day is thursday, during which most periods are shortened, unfortunately.

I can happily say that I can't remember any specific instances of being lost in Mario's eyes. I can, however, remember specific instances of being lost in Mario's arms. Which doesn't make sense, at all, basically, so I'm just going to stop talking now. (I also didn't even notice him until the principle stopped speaking, but I did notice Dino. I think we each made a weird face and then proceeded to ignore each other)

Seriously, though, just stare him down, or wiggle your eyebrows or something.

Ginny said...

Bryant might make mistakes, but he has a much better chance at being right than me on the last chem test mostly because I missed most of the chapter and haven't really reviewed. I didn't even know what one of the choices meant.

Oh, and Mrs. James' excitement level has nothing to do with how well you do on a test. Even after flunking my last test, she didn't act differently around me. So it could be some other reason (like maybe she's still upset over her eyes).

I haven't quite noticed which eye I stare into. I don't think I can think that much at the moment. And the whole point of staring at him is to stare at his eyes, so I generally avoid the nose-area. I also can't wiggle my eyebrows, not that you can really see them anyway with my bangs.

I didn't see Mario either until afterwards, when I was leaving and looking for my parents. Do you think the Mario-clones know how to teleport inconspicuously? Maybe that's how they've been able to not be spotted at the same time—when one clone's not needed at school, he simply goes to a Starbucks branch.

Julie said...

I love the pictures!

How many Starbucks are there in the area? Can there be a nearby Starbucks for every Mario? Do they all have cars?

Try switching eyes every so often.

Gretchen said...

so ginny is obsessed (slightly?) with eyes. tea with arms/hands. i would say facial structures (like bone structure and hair). julie...i don't really know. where they're going to college? :P

but hahhahaha about mario and starbucks! he drives?

Julie said...
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Julie said...

I was going to say their smiles, but every guy I've liked I've noticed for a different reason.

Julie said...
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Julie said...
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Tea said...

Yes, Mario drives. I even know what type of car he has, despite the fact that I have never actually seen said car >_>

And I have not *always* liked arms/hands. I used to like eyes/hair.

Ginny said...

You've never seen Mario's car? What about those times you get back from the train? Or late math meets?

I like hair too. Soft hair. Soft short-to-mid-length hair are my favorite. But I mean, I'd like them in girls too (to pet, of course), but none of the girls I know have such hair. Eyes are definitely more of a guy-thing.

Well, there are Starbucks in most (if not all) of the towns around us, and of course also in our town, so I think Mario's clones have plenty of options. Or, if he knew how to teleport really well, he could go all the way to Seattle, since the coffee there is supposedly really good.

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