Monday, May 24, 2010

Slow Down That Dance, Please?

Major spoilers: In the span of 60 pages (yes, I read all of that today during numerous "free periods" that I'm now doubting my capability of staying on task for long periods of time), Scarlett O'Hara has gone from overly optimistic about winning over the love of her life (or so she thinks, anyway) to becoming married to someone else she abhors, to becoming a widow with a child she doesn't really care about. Uh, what? She's not even Scarlett O'Hara anymore, since she's been married already, and obviously not divorced.

That's quite a lot of action (or really, more like drama) in 60 pages. Which, I know, for an ordinary book of 200+ pages, is quite a chunk of text, but for this book of 1000+ pages, is rather small. I can only imagine (as I haven't read it yet, duh) what comes next.

Instead of being the patient reader as I should be, and because I've been rather spoiled already by the movie's famous line ("frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"), I decided to go fanfiction-hunting. It's only made me want to read the book more (despite those annoying "lady-like" callings that goes against almost everything I'm for), and so Amanda suggested that if I read 30 pages per day, I will be able to finish nearly 900 pages, and have only 100 more pages to go, which I can finish up on the horrible Courier New font copy online. I'm not a fan of anything over five pages in that font.

The rest of my day has been quite a daze, as I've been reading for most of it. The other parts, I was mostly worrying about homework (why do these even exist now?) and other things (including building molecules of 1,3-butyne with a glob of oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorine, iodine, hydrogen, among other silvery unnamed elements that probably does not have a coherent IUPAC name, although it did have optical isomers). Then, I started worrying about my job shadow tomorrow, especially the dressing "business casual" part. Needless to say, I am not a fashion person, nor someone who frequents the "professional" world as of yet, and therefore my wardrobe consists of little useful garments in this setting. So I'm still on the search for a pair of decent pants (contrary to my dad's opinion that jeans are okay). Other than that, I shall hope to be fine (nervousness aside, but I've always done that).

Also, major traffic jam tomorrow heading on one of the worst highways during rush hour in the country? Yeah. Not fun. I would take the train, but seeing as I haven't maneuvered that before, I'm probably not going to try that tomorrow. But before any of that, I have to figure out how to pronounce the name of the person I'm shadowing. I should try one of those fancy pronouncers that specialize in names such as Mozart and Bach and Beethoven (and other non-musician names, but those are the only few I remember—although there may be a Clinton one).

And of course, homework. This week is turning out to be rather hectic.

Rhett: 1.5
Scarlett: 1

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