Friday, May 28, 2010

Wherefore Art Thou, Japan?

I am on a school computer right now, and the screen is flickering. I don't know why, but it has happened before, and when I told the librarian and she came over, it stopped. Then, when she left, it started again. It is most annoying.

Anyway, I had this wonderful post yesterday about how Japan might as well be in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, because we're not getting anywhere, when I realized, no, we're in the Pacific Ocean right now, and technically Japan is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, if not directly in the middle, so it's not as... argumentative. I didn't get to finish that post though, so here I am today, barely finishing my English essay (because of a lot of due date delays, I had plenty of time to work and read GWTW), beginning the first part of the voyage (which is us on the plane) because I can't bear the trip on hiatus anymore.

Besides, I will be gone tomorrow and over the weekend to visit colleges, namely Williams and McGill (and really just McGill, but Williams is along the way), and I won't have access to the Internet, so I might as well write something now.

Several hours later, on my home computer, with no flashing screen.

First of all, I need to ask Julie (and any other reader here): do you want to come on the trip as well? I still need to draw pictures as well (especially of Bruney, I'll get around to that one day).

Secondly, this will be a pictureless post because I have lots of random work to do.

So, to recap, Gretchen and Tea and I are on a plane headed for Japan, our next destination. We had just recently left Chile, and if you wish to read about our adventures there, you can click the "Round The World Trip" log, featured as a link above. There, I've archived all the links to the relevant posts we have written on the subject. Right now, however, we're aboard the plane, and despite what you may have heard about no viable source of communication on planes, there's some strange source of WiFi on here, and so we're not questioning it as all of us relax and check our random sites that we always check online.

Bruney is coming straight from home and meeting us at Japan, where we will have a great time. I'm sure of it. I mean, just the food itself sounds great, and if the food is good, nothing else can go wrong, right? But since we will be on the plane for a while since just as it's got WiFi, it's also got the ability to indefinitely suspend in midair until we declare it not to do so, we decided to catch up on some news.

Here's what I found out (not sure about Gretch or Tea):

1) Matt and I are interviewing/surveying our people next week during period 7. Here's some of the classes we may be dropping by (we will be, but I'm not sure which dates)—AP English, Latin 2, three western humanities classes, and numerous others. Yes, these are our not so randomly chosen classes. There are a lot of freshmen and sophomores. Hmm. I wonder why?

2) Reese can be quite adamant when he wants something. Or annoying. I suppose it depends on how you look at the situation. Also, he's quite savvy with Naviance (not sure if it's a good thing), and Argon has never heard of it before. Never? I guess people surprise you all the time. Or maybe he'll just fall into its evil clutches by the time junior year runs along.

3) This. Today. During physics. It looks painful.

Rhett: 2
Scarlett: 2.5

5 rants:

Julie said...

Ooh! I've always wanted to visit Japan! Count me in. I'd also love a I need to specify anything in terms of what it should look like?

Gretchen said...

haha julie, i think ginny knows what you look like. although, she may ask you what color you want your background to be.

Julie said...

That's what I meant. Background, clothes color, etc.

Ginny said...

If you've got a background/shirt-color in mind, tell me. I'm horrible at making decisions anyway. Just don't make it clash with your hair color.

Julie said...

I doubt my hair color is very clashy. If you have any ideas, go with those, but how about a dark-ish blue shirt with a light purple background? would that look good? if it doesn't, leave it up to yourself to decide.

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