Monday, March 15, 2010

'Cause We All Love These So

I'm at it again, with more flair. (And lots of intensive searching, because these things are quite scarce, mind you.)

Well, okay. I was bored. You get the gist.

Anyway. (Random Number Generators, "Prnt Scrn", and Bold are my BFFs.)

Name one of your facebook friends for each:

1. With black hair: Me! Okay, fine, uh, Gretchie!
2. Younger than you: Argon. (Basically, almost everyone I've mentioned before except the seniors, Nyx, and Dora are younger than me, but Argon's the easiest one to pick out.)
3. In your class: Lots of people! Let's go with Bryant. I see him the most.
4. That is one of your best friend: Well... lots of people as well? I'll go with Tea here.
5. Someone that is older than you: Oh, you know, everyone who was "excepted" in #2? Nyx it shall be.
6. That lives close to you: Zephy. She's my neighbor. You can't get much closer than that.
7. With curly hair: Julie, I believe. No disclaimer here.
8. That lives far away from you: Oh dear. Uh... I don't know. I'll put Tybalt for fun then, since Bryant is here.
9. You ----: Word replaced to protect my interests, but it's whatever category Dino fits in.
10. You Dislike: No one in particular? I'll go with Reese, since a lot of people seem to dislike him.


How old is #3? My age. Well, I suppose, since some of my friends think I'm an 84-year-old lady with 12 cats, then he's severely younger than me.
Are #9 and #1 friends? They're on talking terms, which is more than what I could say a few hours after the "Sharpie" incident.
Does #2 have any pets? Hmm. I don't know. Never heard him mention it before.
Why do you love #4? Do I even need a reason?
Does #5 hate #4? Not in the least.
What is #6s weakness? She starts questions with "Question..." and is obsessed over J-pop and K-pop singers?
Where does #10 go to school? Wherever I go to school. Really.
Who do you talk to more, #2 or #8? Argon, most definitely. It's not even a competition.
In how many years does #7 turn 21? In as many years as it takes for Julie to turn 21. And most of us as well.
Whats #5s favourite band? I don't know. Hmm... I should probably ask.
Would you ever have sex with #1? Uh... next question.
How far away does #3 live from you? I don't know where he lives. Same goes with Tybalt. Probably somewhere far away.
Do you hang out with #8 a lot? Sometimes. More often when a math meet is looming.
Who is crazier, #6 or #9? In matters of anything Asian-related, Zeph. In matters of everyday life strangeness, Dino.
How long have you known #4? Ever since... uh... probably last year, quite some time before this time.
Does #2 like #10? Well, they do hang out to some degree, and they did want to sit together in US at first, so I'd say yes. Assuming "like" means platonic like.
How old is #1? See first question.
What is your favourite thing about #8? He always tries to make Dino apologize when the latter does something mean to me.
Have #4 and #5 made out? Not to my knowledge, but my knowledge is very limited.
Is #9 related to you? If I were related to Dino I would probably have gone insane already. Or turned out like Owen.
What would you change about #10? Stop being so obsessed over little details. We get it that Macs suck, grammar is critical, and Camel's laptop is awful. We don't need to know again.
What colour of hair does #4 have? Brown--what's a good descriptor? Chestnut? Belgian chocolate?
Is #1 immature? Not really. I suppose at times, she can be.
Whats your relationship with #6? We are neighbors, if my description of her above hasn't told you yet. We're also good friends.
Is #8 still in school? Yes, he is. Well, not right now, but in general, he is.
Where does #7 live? Somewhere far away from me, because the only people who live close to me are Zephy, Camel, and this new restaurant.
#9 have any siblings? Owen-much? Unless you believe the theory fact that he is a robot, which would mean that he has no siblings.
What sports does #5 play? Sailing, I think? Or rowing. Among other things.
Have you ever held hands with #1? Hmm... actually, I don't think so.
What kind of eyes does #4 have? Very nice eyes.
Have #6 and #8 ever dated? Zephy does not know the existence of Tybalt, and I think the reverse holds true as well.
Would they? See above. The odds are high.
Have you ever seen #5 cry? I have, but only once.
Do you have any classes with #10? Yeah. US. Fun stuffs. He's really good at distracting people, I'll say.
Does #5 drink alcohol? Not to my knowledge, but once again, my knowledge is limited.
When is #6 birthday? Some time in the summer.

If you had to go out on a date with #3, where would you go? Oh dear. Uh... the nearest Aquarium?
Does #9 like to shop? As he eloquently puts it, "I wear whatever my mom buys me." Which is totally not true, because he only has around three garments in circulation, and I'm sure he's got more clothes than that, but the point was... no.
How often does #4 go online? Quite often, I must say. But not as often as me.
Are #5 and #9 childhood buddies? I have heard that Dino came here later in life? Doesn't matter. I wouldn't know about it anyway.
Is #7 usually late, early or right on time? I think early to right-on-time. Can't picture her late.
Do you think #8 is happy with his/her life for the most part right now? He has Kathrya, what's not to be happy about?
Do you trust #7? I would with most likely anything. Except perhaps purple bunnies, but those are exceptions to everything anyway.
If you could go anywhere in the world with #6, where would you go? Anywhere that has wi-fi and is pretty.
Is #8 the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend? He's fine. We don't talk too much, but he's better than some-people-who-shall-not-be-named.
If #6 died, what would you do? I'd... not even think about this right now, in case my bad luck somehow makes this true.
Would you tell #1 honestly how you felt? For the most part, yes.
If #2 said he/she loved you, what would you do? Close my eyes, pinch someone else, then ask, "Are you sure?"
Is #10 old fashioned? Hmm... in some aspects, he is. In most, he's not.
If you had to choose between #6 and #7, who would you choose? For what? Why am I choosing?
What is #2's greatest wish? To... I don't know. Rule the world? Not very sure here.
How big is #7's bed? I have no idea.
What music do you think #9 is listening to right now? That Mr. Roboto song Owen shared.
What are the last 4 digits in #4's cellphone number? Not possible to divulge.
What was the last thing #10 ate when you were with him/her? Those disgusting chicken things the school serves.
When was the last time you hugged #5? I haven't. This probably needs to change sometime soon.

Does #7 have any relatives in jail? I'm not sure, but I don't think so.
Have #4 and #10 ever gone cow-tipping together? Not sure why they'd go cow-tipping in the first place, or why they'd do it together, or why they'd even be together doing something for an extended period of time that doesn't have to do with school.
What's #5's worst pet peeve? No idea. Next.
What movie would you watch with #2? Anything, really. Don't have a preference.
Do you think #5 dances like crazy when no one is looking? Probably even when people are looking.
Does #3 like to sing in the shower? Ooh, that'd be fun to listen to. Does Bryant ever sing in public anyway?
What's #1's favorite colour? Hmm... I can't believe I don't know this. Uh, red?
Does #6 blow dry his/her hair? or just let it dry on its own, or towel dry? Air-dry, I think. I forgot.
Have you ever gone to the beach with #2? Nope. Can't say I really want to, either, because my idea of "beach" means no crabs that could possibly hurt my feet.
Does #6 ever go fishing? For materials for her next jewelry project?
Do you like #10's hands or feet better? I'd have to say hands because I've never seen his feet.
Does #9 have curly hair or straight hair? Neither. He's got spiffy hair.
What's #10's favorite kind of drink? Uh... water? I think he likes something else, but it's probably not the coffee-sweetened-with-marshmallows-and-honey-and-tons-of-sugar drink I like.
What's #5's favorite book? Harry Potter? And other things I know little of because I read such limited authors.

Does #7 have any pet names? How did he/she get them? Julie--from the wonders of Tea's blog?
What would you like to call #4 besides his/her name? Never gave much thought about this. I'm awful at nicknames.
Did #3 grow up here? By here, I'm assuming the town I'm in now, and I don't know as I obviously didn't.
Which are #2's top bands or singers? No idea. I'll probably ask him later, if I remember.
What school activities does #9 participate in? Math team, occasionally the school newspaper (Leadbits, was it called?), tennis, tennis-related things, volunteer work (never would have thought of it), band, and chess club. (One time when I was there, one of the lab aides who dropped by told us of her story of how she had joined chess club when she was in high school just so she could talk with her crush.)
Where was #10 born? I have a clue, but I'm not going to tell you.
Does #8 have any siblings? Bryant? And their older brother.
Where did #9 go for vacation in the summer? I'm not sure, but the latest I heard he was on an island full of bunnies. Lucky him.
What job does #5 want to do when he/she grows up? Something in Africa. Travelling?
What do you think #9 has on his/her bedside table? Allie. He better have Allie there or somewhere prominent.
Does #2 have posters up on his/her room walls? The lunch company's poster. Courtesy of Owen and Irving and Melissa.
Does #9 still have tonsils? What's with all these personal questions about Dino? Although I'd be more than willing to find this one out personally.
Which does #8 like better - Coke or Pepsi? We've only had coke (I believe) at math meets so I've never seen him with a choice.
What is your idea of a hot romantic date with #1? Double-dating where the "headless cochroach" as he so called himself said he didn't like?
Would you marry #8? This is unacceptable on many levels. Not happening. Ever.
What is #6's favorite color? Gold, I believe. Or that red she wears all the time.
Have you ever fallen in love with #9? I believe my RNG is reading my mind.
What is the thing you love most about #7? Her being fun to be around.
Did you ever dislike #9? Okay, for a supposed RANDOM number generator, there are way too many 9s for my tastes. However, question-wise, yes I have. Mostly when he's mean to me.

If #7 had a lot of money, where would he/she go on vacation? Around the world? I think everyone would like this.
What are #1's major goals in life? Life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness?
Has #7 ever lied to me and if so, why? I don't think so, or at least I don't know, so no "why" either.
Do you see yourself with #3 in another year, 3 years, 5 or so? If it's purely "will I see/talk with you", in another year, yes (seniors, yay!), in three, maybe if we go to the same college (unlikely), and in five, if we actually talk to each other more, then maybe we'll be friends of some sort.
If you have the chance, what would you probably say to #10? We need to talk. About. My grammar lessons.
Where is the place that you want to go the most with #5? Oh, let's go to China together!
Which part of #9 that you hate the most? Hmm... tough call. Probably the clicky thing right now.
Which colors does #9 wear the most? Ha. Don't you mean, what color's the only jacket he ever wears? (And the 9 thing wouldn't go away...)
Have you ever seen #2 sad? Not really. He seems able to stand plenty of pressure. Now awkward, on the other hand...
Are you afraid to lose #8? I think this question is better directed at Kath.
If #10 win $1 million, what would he/she do? Spend half of it on techy stuff, and the other half on his dog. Maybe.
Can you share 3 good points about #6? She's pretty logical and sensical, she's great fun to be with, and she makes amazing jewelry.
Do #3 and #8 hate each other? Wow. Uh, I don't think so. In fact, I find that hard to imagine, as they're twins and everything.
What is #3's topmost ambition in life? Doing something that going to "some Ivy school," as he puts it, will help in.
What is the thing that #1 does that you hate? Ooh, nothing so far, actually. Can't think of any.
Christmas is coming, would you want to celebrate it with #5? Is there a party?
Does #7 sees you as an important person in life? Depends on what you mean by "important."
Is #8 a shopaholic or no? Haha. Tybalt, a shopaholic?
Name one of #9 body parts you simply love? Okay, I seriously think this RNG isn't really random after all. Anyway, I'd say... his hair.

Which is #4's favorite season? I'd say... summer right now because of RSI?
Does #5 like to travel? A lot, I'd say.
What place would you like to visit with #4 that you haven't been to yet? Hmm... Mongolia. I've always liked the grasslands.
What is #6's most prized possession? Her red sweater/jacket thing.
Would you consider #7 a morning person or a night person and why? I've got no idea. But since I've seen her function at 7am, I'll say she's a morning person.
How would you describe a perfect date with #5? We go out, watch movies, and eat lots of food while I avoid being maimed by her boyfriend?
What is #1 most passionate about? Life! And all the ever-changing things in life.
Do you admire #5? At times, yes. She's quite amazing at a lot of things.
What's the best piece of advice #10 has ever given you? "Macs are bad. I hate macs."
Would you want to visit #2 before you die? Probably, just to talk about old times, but I mean... how would I know when I'm going to die?
What movie would you watch with #1 and #2? Something funny, I guess. Don't know any right now.
What's #4's favorite time of the day? Lunch! (I was going to say period 5 but I wasn't sure.)
Would you have dinner with #9? I'll ask Owen first about whether this is advisory, unless dinner means pizza, which I have already had with him so this wouldn't be a question.
Is there anything #7 is superstitious about? Karma?
If you had an extra hour each day, would you spend it with #3? Every single day? I think it'd be good once in a while.
What's the craziest dare you've ever gone through with #10? Nothing. Reese doesn't do dares.
If you had to choose, would you choose #1 or #7? Can't I live a life without so many choices??
Does #6 ride a bike to school? She rides the bus. Either the school one or the town one.
What kind of things annoy #5? I have no idea but I'm sure there are such things.
What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to #7? See above. I should acquire this information someday.
What hobbies does #4 have? Math! Science-y, research stuff. Art. Music. Probably a lot more.
Have you ever been proud of #10? Proud of, not particularly, but he has accomplished a lot.
What do you think is the most important value in your relationship or friendship with #9? Seriously, these are freaky. Most important value? Communication or trust, perhaps?
What holiday does #6 enjoy the most? Chinese New Year! I think, anyway.

5 rants:

Tea said...

I don't know what the issue is with Reese. I don't know him that well, but he seems reasonably likable.

I really don't know what Dino's issue was with the sharpie incident, for that matter. Being a robot, the power button was necessary.

Aw, shucks. Love you too :)

For the record, no I have not made out with Nyx. Let the record also show that I have not made out with anybody at all.

I prefer belgian chocolate for my hair. Chestnut is a) much more red and b) makes me think of horses.

Oh, Nyx sails and bikes. Nyx does not row. She's also not particularly argumentative. And she doesn't drink either.

Thank you. My eyes are blue. And nice. But mostly blue.

Ginny said...

I don't know why they don't like Reese either. He's fine--annoying at times, yes, but he's not that bad.

Dino gave an excuse along the lines of, "You don't even get the joke." Which is ridiculous, but whatever.

I'll keep the record in mind for future purposes, if ever needed. And I thought Nyx sailed, but I probably got her confused with Deborah with rowing. I didn't think she drank either.

Belgian chocolate is very yummy. I just had some cookies dipped in them earlier.

Blue eyes are pretty. I think I have an unhealthy obsession over them.

Gretchen said...

haha, it's okay. your obsession with blue eyes is much better than some other people's obsessions.

i think we (dino and i) are friends. although i do hate those stupid guy head nods they do when they see you in the hallways. i always smile and wave but i don't feel like he deserves it.

i'm not sure if i have a favorite'd probably be black or navy blue though. i guess i don't wear too much color that often.

next year, get him a sparkly pink shirt for his birthday.

Ginny said...

Dino barely even nods at me. Actually, most of the guys who acknowledge me down the hall say hi or something. Don't think any of them just nods.

Hmm... I really like all shades of blue, and I think wearing too much black at once can be too dark.

The pink shirt is a fine suggestion. Maybe I can get my cousin to buy something in China. He seems to have decent fashion taste.

Tea said...

Hmmm. Mario nods and often says hi. Dino and I are always either walking the same way or don't pass (I honestly can't think of a signal instance of either saying hi or ignoring each other). Cormac nods and says hi. Lysander nods. Tybalt will ignore me until I say hi. Bryant will nod, but only if I nod at him first. I'm a bit worried I've started nodding, actually, which would not be good.

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