Friday, March 5, 2010

Things Aren't Always What They Seem

So, why does everyone seem to think that I am dating Vincent? (And yes, I am applying the "two people equates everyone" rule here.) I mean, yes, we're together a lot, and perhaps we have an over-propensity for hugging each other, but it's not any more than he hugs Amanda, and unless we have a polygamy relationship going on that I am not aware of, I really don't think I give off "dating" vibes.

Not that I would know what those are.

Anyway, in English class today, our desks were arranged weirdly due to tests, so we chose our own seats. Dora came over, sat in the desk next to mine, and turned to whisper to me,

"Are you and Vincent dating?"

Almost as awkward as when Argon asked me, "Are you in love with me?" Which was a huge miscommunication, probably on my part, as I drew a picture of a caged heart (because I really like to draw hearts and I got tired of drawing them with wings), and gave it to him after class one day.

Bryant was behind us at the time (hopefully a safe distance away). He didn't say anything, and I do hope he did not hear anything. I wasn't particularly articulate at the time.

Regardless, in an attempt to rebuff the whole I'm-dating-Vincent rumors, because they are utterly not true, I told her, "I like someone else anyway."

Okay, perhaps that was the wrong way to end this discussion, as it had an adverse effect.

"Really? Who is it?"

After seeing that I would not tell her straight out (because, really, I never do), she tried at guessing by asking questions.

"Is he in our grade? How tall is he? Is he skinny?"

Not that it matters anyway, since he'll probably never like me back well, it just won't matter. I like keeping my secrets at times. Although, keeping them for too long does get quite tiring and troublesome, as I've decided lately.

So I indulged a little. He's in our grade, he's taller than me (as most guys are, it seems, big shock there), and he's not skinny, I don't think. I think that cuts down 85% of the guys at our school.

He is also smart, as Dora figured out. Why this automatically makes Bryant the first choice, I do not know. Okay, okay, I do know. Still.

But he's eliminated in the "he's not skinny" round anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter either.

(I drew a picture of Bryant in physics yesterday, and showed it to Nyx and Camel, and they said that he was still not skinny enough, despite the near stick-like arms I drew on him. But he's on track, not wrestling, so he should fare fine in life.)

Luckily (for me), the bell rang at that time, so I did not have to divulge too much information. I stammered my way through the last question ("what color is his hair?"), and went to get my stat and calc book for Moody's on Sunday. I saw Tea in the hallway, talking with Angela, I think, about something.

"--they really ate it?" Tea was saying.

"Yeah, why? Should they not have?"

After much confusion and lots of explaining from Tea, I finally managed to piece together a coherent sentence. Treeburg actually ate my pudding!

And they actually said it tasted decent. I feel like I should flaunt this in Owen's face, as he was so unsupportive of my pudding. Although, I'm not sure if this will become a "Treeburg has weird tastes" evidence. Because, uh, it was butterscotch. A huge plate full of wobbling, brownish butterscotch pudding.

I wouldn't eat it unless my life depended upon it.

As Tea and I walked out, I saw Vincent again. We talked for a bit, and then as we approached his bus, we hugged again. Now that I think of it, he is a) in our grade, b) taller than me, and c) relatively not skinny, as compared to the likes of Bryant and such. But he's ruled out in the hair color round.

Life's coincidental like that, I suppose. My story of how Dino's apparently attached to fuzzy, grey baby bunnies pales in comparison.

3 rants:

Tea said... what's this hair color?

(don't you dare think you're getting away with this!)
also, one more question- does he have a blogging nickname?

And my word confirmation was "hotie"

Gretchen said...


ahhh!! who do you like???

Ginny said...

I still find it amazing they ate the pudding. Too bad I didn't scrape more then.

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