Monday, March 8, 2010

I Really Should Be...

...blogging about Moody's. Really. I mean, that's been the most exciting thing that's happened so far. But there were so many things that happened, and I really don't know if I can start writing now without getting the order all jumbled and generally just adding things randomly.

That would not be good.

So, instead, I'm going to answer random questions and generally not do my homework.

(Side note: Gretchie and I now firmly believe that Bryant can read minds. I asked him earlier, "Do you have a copy of your Moody's paper?" and he immediately replied, "Yes, what's your email?" How else would he have known that I wanted to see his paper? Aside from the fact that it may be obvious, because such a minor detail doesn't really matter in this amazing revelation that Bryant is a mind-reader.)

Choose 6 friends and number them 1-6 randomly (you being number 3)
(*chosen by simply going down the list of top tagged and pulling out three guys and two girls for gender equality)

1 Dino
2 Argon
3 Ginny (since the rules say I have to be 3)
4 Bryant
5 Tea
6 Melissa

All 6 people move into the same house…

Who calls a bedroom first?

- I guess me. I'd be oohing and ahhing over the rooms, so it's only logical.

Who goes straight to the bathroom to check their make-up?

- Well, I hope the guys don't put on make-up, and since I really can't see Tea or myself doing that, I'll have to say Melissa.

Which person goes to the kitchen first?

- Food! Well, depends on where the kitchen is.

You find out that friend’s number 4 and 6 are in the shower together. Do you care? And what do you do?

- Bryant and... Melissa? I think the rest of us would be very intrigued. And do whatever intrigued, normal, non-stalkery-creepy people ("I swear, I'm completely normal!") do.

Which person has to sleep in the attic?

- Not me. I called a bedroom, remember? I'd also share with Tea if she needed a room. Well, attic. I think Argon would volunteer, actually, if it really came down to it.

One room is a pink baby room, wants that room?

- Ha! Dino, obviously.

Who puts up so many posters that you can’t see the wall?

- Replace "poster" with "art", and I'd say Tea. Replace "poster" with "math diagrams" and I'd say Bryant. If I really had to pick someone.

House Party…

Who decided to throw a party?

- Well, probably either Tea or Melissa.

Who hides in their room while it’s going on?

- Me? Well, probably not. Argon?

Who ends up making/buying all the food?

- Melissa, if math meets have been any indicator.

Who starts a giant game of truth or dare?

- Oh, oh! Not me. Actually, this also sounds like a Melissa-kind of thing.

You find friend number 2 making out with the person you like, what do you do?

- Well, 2 is Argon, and I really, really cannot picture him making out with anyone right now. Not unless he was really, really in love and serious about it.

The Police show up, and friend number 5 called them… are you mad?

- Of course not.

You go to your room to sleep thinking everyone was kicked out, but you find some people you don’t know in your bed, now what?

- I would:
1. Stare at them lazily and plod them to ask them to move.
2. If they don't move, see if there's anywhere else I can sleep.
3. If there really isn't any space, I guess the attic's always an option.

Parents… (The day after your crazy party the parents of you and your friends pay a visit)

Who is grounded first?

- Duh, me. Wait, I don't get grounded. I'll just get kicked out.

Who’s parents congratulate them?

- Oh, well, uh, I don't think this applies to anyone.

Who is forced to move out for a bit?

- Me and everyone else who has parents like mine.

Who’s parents don’t care?

- Maybe Bryant's. Not really sure.

Who blames it on everyone else?

- Oh, this is another obvious one. Dino. Who else?

Back at the house…

Friend number 1 borrowed your Pj’s without asking, is that ok?

- I would be highly alarmed and will probably never see them back again because I doubt he's borrowing them to wear them.

Friend number 4 is blasting music, do you join him/her or shut it off?

- I'd do neither. Not too bothered by background music.

You have an exam tomorrow and friends number 2, 4, and 6 are being very loud, what do you do?

- Argon would never be very loud. Bryant I also highly doubt. And how can Melissa be loud by herself?

Friend number 1 is hogging the bathroom all morning…

- I don't want to know.

Its April fools and someone took all your clothes and hid them, you have school in an hour, what do you do?

- Call in sick and get notes from someone?

Friend number 5 lost her cell phone… again!

- You can borrow mine if you want.

You bought a really cute shirt!! What do you do with it?

- Wear it? What, am I supposed to preserve it with salt and frame it?

Friend number 2 bought a dog for the house without telling anyone…

- I'd squeal. I hope no one's allergic to fur.

If there was someone singing in the morning who would it most likely be?
- Ooh, Tea? I think she would sing, but I'm not sure.

If someone was considered the dad and the mom of the house, who would it be?
- Well, Melissa might be considered the mom, and as for dad, I would say, on maturity level alone, Argon.

If you wanted candy really badly and all of the 5 in the house had some, who would you take it from?
- Probably Tea or Argon. Or, if I really wanted to, I'd take it from Dino just to annoy him.

If two people were caught making out in a closet who would it be?
- Oh, oh, would any of us really be making out in a closet? I mean, even if we did make out, at least we'd do it in a room.

If someone had to watch you brush your teeth (every) morning, who would it be?
- Why would anyone do this? Such a waste of time.

There was two bags of chips bought at the store, but 20 minutes later they are gone. Who ate them?
- Dino. (Logic: Argon would ask if anyone else wanted them first, I don't have the stomach for two bags, Bryant--does he even eat? Tea would probably also share, and Melissa would probably not be interested in chips.)

Who would hate being in the house the most ?
- I honestly don't know.

Someone took (brand spanking new) pair of socks that were never worn, who is the thief?
- So is that why I can't find my socks in the mornings??

Someone swept all the dirt under the rug, who was it?
- Probably me in a lazy bout, since I hate cleaning.

If there was arguments in the house, who would be the ones arguing?
- Oh, Tea and Dino?

Who would be the one missing their boyfriend/girlfriend that wasn’t in the house with them?
- Who here would even have a boyfriend/girlfriend to begin with?

You walked down stairs in the middle of the night for a glass of water, someone is dancing on the table in their Leopard Thong, who is the crazy one?
- I hope by "leopard thong" the boys are eliminated. And as I don't have such a garment, and I doubt Tea has one, I guess it'd be Melissa. But really. I don't think she has one, or even if she did, I don't think she'd be dancing while only wearing that.

A pillow fight broke through, who started it?
- Ooh, probably me, or Tea, or Dino.

Theres a marathon of your favorite tv show, what is it? and who would be watching it with you?
- My favorite tv show is not on tv. I can only see it on the computer. So I don't think anyone's going to be watching it with me.

Someone made a fort in the laundry room, who was the kid?
- Forts! That would totally be me. I love forts. They're perfect for defending against robots.

There’s a prankster in the house that put plastic on the two toilets in the house, who are the pranksters?
- Dino, probably. Although that's kinda gross.

The musics too loud, who turned it up?
- According to this questionnaire thing, Bryant.

Theres a mouse crawling on the floor all over the house,
a)who is the first one to scream?
b)and who is the one to jump is someones arms?
c)Who would be the one to kill it?
a) Depends on who sees it first.
b) I would jump. Would you jump, Tea?
c) Oh, Argon or Bryant, I suppose.

Someones crying, who is it and what happened?
- Tea and I are crying because of a really sad movie?

Who made pancakes in the morning and almost caught the house on fire?
- If there's fire, it's probably me. I don't think straight in the mornings, and I can hardly cook anyway.

Who gets sick of each other the fastest in the house?
- Oh, I think Melissa would get sick of Dino pretty quickly. Or at least I can hope.

Someones tanning on the roof who is it?
- How do you even get ON the roof? What kind of house are we living in?

Who is the tallest in the house?
- Dino.

Who is the shortest in the house?
- Melissa, probably.

Who is the loudest?
- Oh, oh! Tea?

Who is the clown?
- Depends on your definition of clown.

Who is the most respectful?
- Argon, obviously.

Who is the one you go to talk to the most?
 - Tea, maybe Argon. Actually, I talk to both of them pretty often.

Who is the one that always comes up with stupid ideas?
- That would most likely be Dino.

Whos in bed first?
- Tea. You sleep so early.

If someone woke everyone up with pots and pans who would it be?
- I think this person would be maimed before any of us figures out who it is.

Who is always dancing?
- If anyone's dancing, I guess it would be Melissa.

Someone has the same sweater as you, so you get mad at them and who is it?
- Well, I don't get mad at people for wearing the same things as me, so this would never happen.

You split ice all over the kitchen floor, who would be the one to slip on it first?
- Probably Tea. Sorry about the ice, I don't even know why I'm holding it.

4 rants:

Gretchen said...

hahaaha, if this ever happened it would be so much better than jersey shore or any other reality show. i'm serious.

Tea said...

could you please forward Bryant's paper to me? I want to read it.

When you say protection from robots, I presume you mean dino? Who is, by the way, so SO much louder than me.

I would have spilt the ice and slipped on it, so no worries. I agree with Gretchen on the reality TV. It would be epic. And I think I need to try this survey thing for myself...

Ginny said...

Paper's sent.

Reality tv. Oh, are we going to write our collab story anytime soon?

Gretchen said...

i think we need to get a good time to come up with a plot

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