Monday, November 8, 2010

Chill, Duuuuuude

When I walked into my English class today, I was the only one in the room except for Mr. Littney (well, okay, Mario walked in a couple seconds later). Mr. Littney was writing something on the board, which I made out to be our latest in-class "assignment," which was to write about our experiences with listening to our audio books.

At the bottom, Mr. Littney wrote, "Low stress, 10 points." Along with something else that I don't remember, but most likely along the same lines.

Eventually, people started trickling in and started reading the assignment on the board. Or more precisely, they all chose to read the second part rather than the first, which was the actual assignment.

Then, Sergio started laughing. Confused, I turned to look at the board, and saw that Mr. Littney had added this line:

"Except for Dino. He should be stressed."

The rest of the day was less interesting, save for perhaps Kathrya's eyebrow-wiggling (and Julie's response), or the ten minutes or so I spent with Cheshire today (I spent a good part of my time trying to think about what I could say and now I have a topic + there is something with me and talking about social studies related subjects lately).

Minor issues with today:

My ankle hurts. Still. Actually, I think it's getting worse, but maybe that is just my impression. At any rate, I am glad I did not wear my high heel boots today. That would have been even more painful.

Also, I need to do something about the awkwardly inopportune situation situations. Or just walk faster. Either way should work.

And, my Chicago interview tomorrow! To be fair, I don't really care about Chicago (not as much as some other schools, i.e. Penn), but it is still an interview and I hope everything will turn out great. Hopefully.

So all in all, not that many issues. It could have been much worse.

. . .

Still no story update today. Will it help if I link Beauty and the Beast instead?

2 rants:

Gretchen said...

Apparently Mr. Littney thinks Dino will be a serial killer. I hope that will not happen cause in 20 years I want to be like "Yeah, I went to high school with ______, you know the guy who (did something great" not "yeah, I went to school with the serial killer".

Ginny said...

There are plenty of other people for filling that blank if Dino really does go down the crime path. But I would think someone like Dino would see no point in serial killing and thus would not do it (that is, if his morals do not restrain him first).

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