Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Interviews, Take One

It went well, suffice to say. I wish to say no more on the topic anyway.

Instead I will talk about my day, prior to 3pm. In multi this morning, Tea brought some problems from the previous Math Prize contest (oh, I don't think I've mentioned this before, but this Saturday Tea and I are going to participate in this really neat-sounding contest—that is, if we don't get lost on the subway first). The ones that Tea had not already solved were hard. I should probably do some practice problems, but I need to squeeze in the time first.

Some time later (this time warp features a momentum physics lab, a really productive bio period, and a lunch consisting of pumpkin pie and pad thai), I was stuck in French, encore. I tried to focus, really, but it was just not going in. But I did catch part of the ending to "La Belle et le BĂȘte," before the really dramatic part was cut off by the bell. Such is life.

I also spilled silver nail polish on my quarter-grades-release-form. Apparently that means I should apply to "make-up school," if there even is such a school. I think it would just be a class under some broad major such as theater production or something (note my ambiguity: I know nothing about this subject at all). I have to admit, Clay does not make the best of jokes, although it's cute in its own way.

On the bus ride home, a group of guys were trying to get this guy who I shall now arbitrarily name Kirk (the go-to name for guys I will never again mention) to do something with a poster. Their exact words involved "freshman" and "gift," and Kirk was (I think quite rightfully) suspicious.

The guys said everything was fine, and Kirk replied, "No way. I can sense a prank when I see one, and that's definitely a prank."

So the guys unwrapped the poster, and apparently it was perfectly fine (I didn't see, I sat in front of them).

Still. Doesn't this just scream, "Hey, there's something wrong here!"

I really should learn how to drive soon, and escape all of this craziness.

2 rants:

Gretchen said...

We need to find out when that mandatory driving class is...

Ginny said...

I think we have to call them? Not really sure...

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